
How to store lemon seeds for later use

      Storing lemon seeds: Cut the lemons open and remove the seeds. Dry the seeds for a day or two. Store in a paper bag in a cool, dark, dry place for up to a year. When wanting to plant the lemon seeds: Soak the lemon seeds in water overnight. Then remove the husk. Germinate the peeled lemon seeds in wet paper towel in a plastic bag for 10 days in a warm dark place. Plant several lemon seeds together in a small container with holes in the bottom. Lemon seedlings like several hours of indirect sunlight per day.
A description of Captain Robert Falcon Scott during the 1910-1913 Terra Nova expedition to Antartica " Scott, who always amazed me by the amount of work he got through without any apparent effort, was essentially the driving force of the expedition. In the hut quietly organizing, working out masses of figures, taking the greatest interest in the scientific work of the station, and perhaps turning out quite by the way an elaborate paper on an obtruse problem in the neighbourhood, fond of his pipe and a good book - Browning, Hardy (Tess was one of his favourites), Goldsworthy; Barry was one of his greatest friends. He was eager to accept suggestions if they were workable and always keen to sift even the most unlikely theories if by any means they could be shaped to the desired end – a quickened modern brain which he applied with thoroughness to any question of practice or theory. Essentially an attractive personality with strong likes and dislikes, he excelled in making h...

Obituary of Thalassa Marietti Portalupi

In our hearts forever ♡♡♡♡  Click her for video obituary:


Meaning of Mannin (manin) Betekenis van Mannin (manin) Mannin is the poetic Afrikaans translation of Wo-man  when Eve was created in the garden of Eden. Gen 1: 23 - Sy sal mannin genoem word, want sy is uit die man geneem .

Heart Aflame - devotional book

Heart Aflame - Daily Readings from Calvin in the Psalm "There are several reasons why this devotional book deserves an enthusiastic welcome.... .. I suspect you will experience a delightful surprise as you read through these well-chosen daily meditations. For your companion for the year was not only a man who found the Psalms a mineral-rich quarry of theology, but someone who discovered his own experience mirrored in them. You will find him to be a sure-footed and wise guide, and I suspect you will come to love him - as well as the Psalms - better before the year is ended. Calvin vividly described the Psalms as 'an anatomy of all the parts of the soul'. The description is a very apt one, since every experience, every emotion, all the heights and depths, all the joys and sorrows, all the mysteries of human life, are here. these pages you will find the Spirit-inspired biblical anatomy of the Psalms at the hands of an outstanding physician and surgeon of...

Hoe om musiek by blog te voeg

Skep eers die musiek aan-af knoppie op jou sidebar, as volg: - Vind die skakel wat jy moet gebruik deur eers op die volgende skakel te klik . Dit neem jou na 'n Post in Blogger Buster toe - Copy die link wat onder hierdie icon voorkom: (as ek dit copy en hier paste dan verander dit direk in die icon, so die eintlike link is as volg, maar wanneer jy dit copy, haal net die DIT op 2 plekke uit voor jy dit paste: ) - In jou blog, click Customise bo regs - Click Add a Gadget - Click die plus-teken by HTML/Java Script - Tik enigiets in Title - Paste die skakel wat jy gecopy het in die body van die HTML/Java Script gadget Dit sal nog nie speel nie, maar vervang die deel vanaf "http..." tot net voor autostart , met jou eie embedded musiek-link; dus as jy mooi musiek vind, copy die embed skakel en vervang 'n gedeelte van die skakel binn-in die body van die HTML/Java gadget. Dus skep jy so jou eie nuwe ...

Kieties en tuisbly

Hier is ons nuwe kietiekat. Haar naam is Amelie. Mignon het haar gedoop. Sy was Benjamin se kersfeespersent. En al lyk sy soos 'n 100 ander katjies, is sy heel anders. Sy is die maklikste, mees plooibare katjie ooit. Jy kan enigiets met haar doen. Op enige manier vashou en sy sal net daar le^ en vir jou kyk! :) Die enigste kriteria wat Benji gehad het toe ons haar gaan kies het, was dat sy spelerig moet wees en dat sy spelerig moet wees. En is sy spelerig!! Maar sy slaap ook nog baie. Sy is maar 9 weke oud. Sy hou veral daarvan om in Mignon se nek te slaap. Maar wanneer Mignon weg is, krul sy sommer by my of Benji op. Sy hou ook daarvan om op my skoot te le^ terwyl ek by die rekenaar sit. Toe ons haar gekry het, was haar pels maar effens skraffie, maar sy begin nou al sigbaar vetter word en, hoop ons, sal haar pels ook geleidelik mooier word. Ons verlang na ons ander kietiekatte wat ons moes weggee verlede jaar. O ja, hoe gaan Benji vir sy katjie sorg terwyl hy in die koshuis is? A...